Hypertext Links

Hypertext Links | Shorthand for URLs | Hypertext Anchors | A Note on Email

Hypertext Links

To link a word or phrase using hypertext enclose it in {#...#URL#} where URL is the destination for the link.

This is a link to the MTX file for this page.

This is a link to an anchor lower down on this page.

Shorthand for URLs

If the text to be linked is a valid URL, the second part of the tag may be omitted {#URL##}. This is a convenient shorthand for the redundant {#URL#URL#}.

This is a link to the file hyper.mtx.

Hypertext Anchors

To link to a specific point in a document enclose it in {#...#=NAME#} where NAME is a unique identifier for the anchor. Note that anchors are case sensitive ("name" does not equal "NAME").

The word "anchor" is an anchor for this page.

A Note on Email

As a convenience, MTX will automatically preface Internet email links with "mailto:" in the output HTML file. This means that you can use the shorthand {#rrathe@ufl.edu##} instead of {#rrathe@ufl.edu#mailto:rrathe@ufl.edu#}.
Edited on February 18, 1996 / Updated on March 5, 1996
MTX 1.3 User's Manual / Copyright 1996 by the University of Florida
Location: http://www.med.ufl.edu/medinfo/mtx/docs/hyper.html
Contact: Richard Rathe / rrathe@ufl.edu